Best diet for quick weight loss in a week

Lose weight in a week is the dream of many girls/women. And it is really possible. But this Express-method helps to get rid of just several pounds, all within 4 — 7, and is not for all ladies. It is necessary not only to know the basic rules of such a rapid weight loss, but also to understand that the process may affect the whole body.

Rules of diet for quick weight loss in a week

diet for weight loss

Before embarking on a "marathon", you need to see and remember some rules:

  • make sure that there are no contraindications (from a medical point of view) before carrying out a rigid diet;
  • we can not allow the presence of hunger: the body will perceive this as a signal to the deposition of a larger number of "reserves" in the form of adipose tissue;
  • you can not violate drinking regime: per day the body needs two liters of pure water, green tea;
  • the "magic" menu does not mean that you can do without exercise, together with classes of elementary gymnastics, Hiking, or swimming results will be really great.

The best diets and menus

There are many methods to fast weight loss, you can choose something most appropriate and not feel hungry throughout the diet. But it is understood that any week of dieting involves a drastic reduction of food intake, and eat only meatless dishes.

Hard rice diet

In the morning on an empty stomach to eat half of the quantity of the product, the rest is divided into equal portions for use during the day to 19 hours.

This diet is really tough, so it can be diluted with the following products:

  • Apple green savoury varieties – day 2 — 3 pieces;
  • boiled vegetables (carrots, young zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower) – 200 g per day;
  • baked pumpkin – 300 g per day;
  • raw vegetables (any cabbage, cucumbers) to a maximum of 300 grams per day.

This does not mean that in the day you can eat all the "supplements" to hell immediately! If on the first day food is based on rice and two apples, then the next can vary a menu and cook only rice with boiled vegetables. The sauces and spices should not be consumed but you can drink water and green tea in almost any quantity.

Fast and effective fruit

This weight loss method is transferred easily enough, fruit does not need heat-treating, and you can always find them in season. Allowed to include in the menu dairy products, which eliminates the feeling of hunger and desire "to break." Example menu for 7 days for fast fruit diet:

  • one and a half kilograms of apples savoury varieties + 100 grams of cottage cheese or 1 liter of whole milk;
  • three pounds of any fruit, including watermelon;
  • 400 grams bananas + 1 liter of low-fat yogurt;
  • three pounds of green apples + 150 grams of cheese;
  • two kilograms of ripe pears with a sweet and sour flavor + 1 liter of whole milk;
  • 2 kg of any berries;
  • 800 grams bananas + 100 grams of cottage cheese or 1 liter of low-fat yogurt.

Each item in this list corresponds to one day. After this menu is possible to get rid of 4 — 5 kg per week, but you need to understand that fiber, which arrives in such volume in the body, provokes diarrhea.

The fast diet

proper weight loss

The basis of the diet for a week should be onion soup. This is really a unique product effectively burns fat, promotes rapid loss of extra pounds, but leaves full. How to cook onion soup:

  • you will need onions (6 pieces medium size), celery (greens 1 bunch), cabbage (1 small head), tomatoes, ripe (2 pieces), sweet pepper (2 pieces);
  • need to cut all onion components of the soup into small cubes (or shredded – this is matter of taste), add to the pot and cover with water;
  • cook after boiling for 10 minutes;
  • salt, pepper and other spices could be added.

Eat this soup during the week in unlimited quantities. As a nice bonus" to diversify the menu of green sweet apples (not more than 2 pieces a day), cucumbers (any number), plums (about 0.5 kg).

Protein diet menu and tips

This is the soft diet menu which is made so that to starve just do not have. It is with this method of weight loss does not happen "food disruptions". A week on the protein diet:

Day 1. Morning: cottage cheese low-fat content of not more than 100 g, the Apple, and rather weak green tea.

Lunch: boiled chicken and cabbage salad – all together in the amount of 400 g, but vegetables should be more.

Dinner: 0, 5 liters of nonfat kefir;

Day 2. Morning: 2 eggs in scrambled eggs + 2 tomatoes (can be eaten fresh, can be put in scrambled eggs).

Lunch: fish low-fat varieties, water (300 grams) + 1 Apple.

Dinner: salad (tomato + cucumber) with vegetable oil and herbs.

Day 3. Morning: low-fat natural yoghurt (unsweetened and unflavored) + pear.

Lunch: white meat chicken boiled (200 g) + citrus (orange or grapefruit, Mandarin, pomelo.

Dinner: salad shredded crab sticks and cucumber in quantities of 200 grams (fill plant oil);

Day 4. Morning: oatmeal without milk + Apple.

Lunch: 300 grams of lean cooked fish + 1 grapefruit.

Dinner: boiled shrimp or crawfish (peeled in the form of 200 g) + unsweetened green tea.

Day 5. Morning: fruit salad, dressed with natural yoghurt (except bananas) in the amount of 300 grams.

Lunch: soup of vegetables + 1 green Apple.

Dinner: cottage cheese with low fat content and citrus.

Day 6. Morning: 1 orange + 2 boiled eggs (or 4 whole quail).

Lunch: a Cup of yogurt and cheese, baked in the oven.

Dinner: chicken, baked in the oven (200 grams), salad

Day 7. repeat the first item (day) from the list.

During the protein diet need to give up all the spices and seasonings, potatoes, pastries and sweets.

Light yogurt

To observe it is very simple: every day should be consumed a half liter of low-fat yogurt, but not all at once, but divide it into portions. Of course, there are other products, but in very limited quantities:

  • 5 pieces potatoes, cooked "in uniform";
  • duck breast (200 g);
  • boiled beef in the amount of 300 grams;
  • boiled lean fish (whiting or Pollock, carp);
  • it is possible to eat without restrictions, fresh fruit or vegetables;
  • only kefir;
  • 1 liter carbonated mineral water.

Simple buckwheat

During the week you will need to eat only buckwheat, you can add in the menu some other products. This diet is simple but quite aggressive to the body, so before you follow her, you should take the survey and make sure there are no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Buckwheat for weight loss boiled, and cooked by steam. 1 Cup of raw take 2 — 3 cups of boiled water, the product to readiness in a thermos or a saucepan, wrapped in a towel or blanket.

On the day you need to take exactly the specified number of raw buckwheat, it is divided into equal portions for frequent use.

Of the products can be added to the menu buckwheat diet are:

  • low-fat yogurt – per day you can drink up to 1 liter;
  • Apple green savoury – not more than 3 per day;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes in a salad, seasoned with vegetable oil – a day not more than 300 grams.

For all 7 days of diet need to observe a drinking mode and to use at least one and a half liters of pure still water per day. Some of the listed capacity, you can replace the unsweetened green tea.

Results and tips

Any of the above diets help to get rid of 4 to 7 kg of excess weight. Some people lose weight faster, and they do to lose 10 kg weight in 7 days a limited supply. It all depends on how fully the exchange of substances in the body.

To weight loss fast method was more effective, you need to adhere to the following guidelines:

  • every morning on an empty stomach (right after waking), you should drink 200 — 250 ml of warm water, it is possible to add lemon juice or honey;
  • 4 hours before a night's rest, you need to stop eating, but with a strong sense of hunger, be used 1 Apple or Cup of yogurt;
  • in the first 2 — 3 days, the condition may change for the worse, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness;
  • to lose weight faster will help the sport and the sauna;
  • out of weekly weight loss should carefully: portions of food do not increase, but each day adds a new (perhaps not the most useful) course.


Quick weight loss in a week has a clear contraindications:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • gastritis and peptic ulcer/duodenal Kishi;
  • chronic intestinal colic;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • any disease mental and neurological, including epilepsy;
  • pregnancy and period of breastfeeding;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • viral diseases of the liver;
  • fever of any origin.

Cons of diets for quick weight loss in a week

Despite the impressive results and the variety of options considered a slimming has some disadvantages:

  • the weight reduction is due to the elimination of toxins and excess fluid;
  • fat tissue burns, but in small quantities – it takes only 500 grams, although this is the optimal rhythm weight loss according to nutritionists;
  • you will need patience – fast weight loss is always the toughest;
  • on the background of the reviewed power supply can cause problems in the bowel or constipation or diarrhea;
  • to keep the weight after this weight loss is really difficult.
menus for weight loss

Quick weight loss in a week is a reality. You need to choose the appropriate diet plan and strictly adhere to the advice of nutritionists. If you continue to follow the rules of rational nutrition, the result can only be hold for a long time.